Integrated Campaign: Memorial Day Sale

Objective: Set standard playbook for the Memorial Day Sale across Site, Social and Email.

Test: Determine if shortening our promotional Batch & Blast template will drive equal or greater revenue. Testing in an effort to simplify the template, and alleviate team bandwidth.

  • Hypothesis: By removing product-level features and was/now pricing we are able to drive customers to the site and convert at an equal or better rate, alleviating team bandwidth prior & during promotional events.

  • Details: Test groups will be locked, so if you receive test Variant 1 on Friday you will continue to get Variant 1 through the remainder of the sale

    • Control: Product & Category deal highlights with was/now pricing

    • Test Variant 1: category-level 2x5 grid with photos and % off callouts

    • Test Variant 2: category-level link farm no photos or % callouts

  • Analysis: Memorial Day Sale (5/19–5/30), testing in 9 Full File MD emails (approx. 70M circ total)

    • ETA for analysis delivery June WK2

    • Currently Test Variant 1 is most successful followed by Test Variant 2.
