Site Landing Page: Outdoor Collections

Objective: Create a friction-free shopping experience for seating collections by making content easier to digest and addictive to scroll. The design added heroic product imagery with fabrication swatches and refined copy broken into key bullets of information to drive purchase confidence. I also expanded the tabbed navigation to include Dining and Kitchen. I added Mindfully Made callouts where possible to reinforce our sustainability commitments and encourage brand affinity. As a result, mid-January purchase orders of Outdoor Collections were exceedingly high in preparation for Summer.

Collection page topline (March 5, 2021)

  • Visits are +517% (not surprising, as HP and email have been driving customers here)

  • Browse to cart is down, but with such a high number of visitors, this is to be expected, not alarming. Also on trend with all outdoor shops  

  • Cart to buy is +15.6% (total outdoor shop path CTB is -8%)

  • Revenue is +209%, since launch on 2/25 the collection page has driven $338k (!!!)

  • Torrey is the number 1 revenue driving shop at $52k 

  • The second most visited collection shop is Malibu Metal Kitchen (#1 is Torrey)
